Catalog & eBooks
In Person
We have over 25,000 items in person at the library. We have books, DVDs, and audio books on CD! We also get the local paper, El Defensor Chieftain, and a few magazines, like The New Yorker, Yes! Magazine, and The Nation. Come inside to browse our collection and see all of the awesome yourself!
Library cards are free with proof of residence and an ID. Check out the links below to browse our online or mobile catalogs.
Through Overdrive, we offer over 13,000 digital eBooks and almost 3,000 digital audio books, that you can access anywhere! Overdrive is compatible with most devices, even Kindle Fires!
This service is free for everyone with a Magdalena Public Library card. Visit, call, or email to set up your Overdrive account and get started.
Inter Library Loans
Want a book, audio book, or DVD we don't have? We can borrow it from another library for you, for free! We can get items from all over! Academic articles from journals are also available through this service.